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Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance at Harper Green School

Inspiring IAG – 'Quality in Careers Standard' Award

Our 'Quality in Careers Standard' accreditation enables our school to gain recognition for our careers provision and good practice. The framework we follow ensures we are meeting national guidance and legislation, and it raises the profile of CE/IAG and supports its continuous improvement.

At Harper Green School, we prepare students for life beyond full time education. We aim to inspire and motivate students by providing them with access to the information, advice and guidance needed to give them the knowledge and confidence to take control of their future pathway plans and realise their ambitions.

We believe everyone has the potential to succeed and grow. As part of Leverhulme Church of England and Community Trust, we are here to provide the best possible education and preparation for the future for all of our students.

Please click here to see the award Code of Practice.




Should you need further advice and guidance please contact the following members of staff during school hours. 

Mrs L Halliwell, Careers Leader 

Tel: 01204 572941 (ext 4348)

Email: halliwelll@harpergreen.net


Mrs K Garner, Connexions Careers Advisor (Monday and Friday)

Tel: 01204 572941 (ext 4109)

Email: kathryn.garner@bolton.gov.uk

Post-16 Planning

Click on the links below to access a range of useful post 16 planning resources for both parents and students.


 Further Education in Bolton and Surrounding Areas


 Future Steps


 Guide To Apprenticeships


Qualifications Guide


NLTG Apprenticeship



What I Can Do Next?


College Open Events 2023/24

Subject Pathways Useful Links

National Apprenticeship Service

NHS Careers

Leavers Guide

Professional Interview Preparation

Student Booklet


Careers Box


CV Builder

Destinations/Activity Survey:

2021, 2022, 2023

T-Levels Information

Other Useful Websites

National Careers Service


Labour Market Information (LMI)

 Parent &

Student CE/IAG




Above & Beyond Career Presentations 


Our CEIAG Policy and Programme

Our Rational and Aims

At Harper Green School, we are committed to helping each student, irrespective of ability, to achieve their full potential. Through a structured and stable programme, we seek to provide our students with the advice and guidance they need to help them develop the knowledge and skills required to make informed and successful choices that will reward them in their future endeavours and the world of work.

We have developed the programme using the Gatsby Foundation’s Benchmarks and the guidelines outlined in the DfE “Careers guidance and access for education and training providers” document, Jan 2023. We aim to bring out the best in everyone, operating across the curriculum and through specific careers-focused activities, to offer broad and balanced exposure to post-16 progression routes and pathways. We firmly believe that every child should leave school prepared for life, and our high quality, independent careers guidance is crucial in ensuring our students make good, well thought out plans for their post 16 pathways.

As a school, we will develop and inform our students by:

  • encouraging the development of self-awareness and independent thinking;
  • helping them to understand the decision-making process;
  • equipping them with information on current opportunities;
  • providing appropriate resource materials for research and evaluation;
  • offering support from our experienced and knowledgeable guidance team;
  • promoting a culture in which the pupils set for themselves ambitious goals, which will advance their interests and passions.
  • providing a wealth of inspirational IAG experiences which will inform, motivate and encourage our students to aim high and fulfil their personal aspirations.

Our Commitment

The Senior Leadership Team and the governing body are highly committed to the continued development and provision of CE/IAG to all students.

Mrs Halliwell, Careers Lead at Harper Green and Mr T Colluney, the CE/IAG link governor, meet each year to discuss the impact of the CE/IAG programme and a CE/IAG update report is delivered to governors annually. The commitment from school leaders is demonstrated in the resources available and the IAG opportunities offered across the school, to students and parents/carers, throughout the year. The resulting stable and structured careers programme has the explicit backing of the senior leadership team and governing body. It prepares our students for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. Benchmark 1

Entitlement Statement

As a student of Harper Green School, you are entitled to receive a programme of careers education, advice, information and guidance. Your CEIAG programme will help develop and inform by:

  • encouraging the development of self-awareness and independent thinking;
  • helping you to understand the decision-making process;
  • equipping you with information on current opportunities;
  • providing you with appropriate resource materials for research and evaluation;
  • offering support from our experienced and knowledgeable guidance team;
  • promoting a culture in which you can set yourself ambitious goals which will advance your interests and passions.
  • providing you with a wealth of inspirational IAG opportunities, activities and experiences which will inform, motivate and
  • encourage you to aim high and fulfil your personal aspirations.
  • developing your interview skills and improving your confidence
  • providing you with post 16 organisation visits, employer encounters and workplace experiences
  • providing additional support with transition planning for those students requiring extra support to engage with and settle into their post 16 education choice. Students at greater risk of becoming NEET will have transition planning sessions with the careers advisor, the SEND team, or another appropriate staff member in Year 11. Working closely with Connexions and the LA, the school will track all Year 11 leavers for two terms to ensure students have made a successful transition and to offer further support or signpost to support where necessary.

During your time at school, you will receive:

  • Careers education during form time
  • PSCHE lessons, Enrichment Curriculum lessons & CEIAG activities
  • Opportunities to visit at least two post-16 providers by the time you leave in Year 11
  • Opportunities to visit places of work and learn about real-life work experiences in Year 9 and Year 10
  • Access to the Connexions Advisor
  • Access to Careers resources in the careers area in the common room, year 11 form rooms and the school library, information is available in books, school website, leaflets and on computer
  • Links to careers within your different subject areas relevant to the world of work
  • Access to a range of training providers so you can make informed decisions
  • Experience of a Professional Interview
  • Information about and access to organisations covering the full range of post 16 qualifications
  • IAG monthly news bulletin in Year 11
  • Presentations from at least five post 16 providers along with the Connexions Careers Guidance Service, STEM organisations, employers and Apprenticeship services.
  • Linking post 16 pathways and careers opportunities to curriculum learning

You can expect to be:

  • Treated equally with others
  • Supported to help you achieve your personal ambitions and to have access to an impartial careers advisor to assist you in developing a realistic plan to succeed in your aims
  • Given careers information and advice that is up to date and impartial
  • Treated with respect by visitors to the school who are part of the careers programme

Our Programme Throughout the Year

Throughout the Year

  • Year's 7 to 11 calendared informative and aspirational assemblies delivered by external speakers from local colleges, training providers, STEM advocates, UTC's, Apprenticeship providers, Aim Higher and local employers (Benchmarks 2, 3, 4, 5, 7) (CDI Framework – Explore Possibilities)
  • Access to an independent careers advisor in Year's 7 to 11. (Benchmarks 3, 8) (CDI Framework – Explore Possibilities, Growth Throughout Life)
  • Identifying and supporting the post 16 needs of SEN students by way of early careers interviews with our Connexions advisors and working with the SENCo and pupil services in FE establishments, ensuring any extended transition needs are met, and the correct support is in place. (Benchmarks 3, 8) (CDI Framework – Explore Possibilities, Growth Throughout Life)
  • Working with the Greater Manchester Higher Network which has been established to address barriers within progression to Higher Education. Benchmarks 3, 7, 8 (CDI Framework – Explore Possibilities, Growth Throughout Life)
  • Curriculum subject led visits to local employers to inspire and inform pupils and establish stronger links with the business community. (Benchmarks 4, 5, 6) (CDI Framework – Explore Possibilities, Seeing the Bigger Picture)
  • One to one Careers guidance interview for all our Year 11 students with our Connexions advisor to discuss the many and varied options available post 16 and to support students in their decision-making processes ensuring they are provided with up to date and relevant information. (Benchmarks 2, 3, 8) (CDI Framework – Managing Careers, Explore Possibilities, Growth Throughout Life)
  • IAG monthly bulletin sent to all Year 11 students reminding them of any IAG activities in school that month and any upcoming post 16 open evenings and application deadlines.
  • Informative and inspirational displays throughout the school, including past student case studies and relevant finance and labour market information. Alumnae are invited and encouraged to submit their post 16 experiences and achievements for inclusion in its newspaper and website and as case study posters displayed around the school. (Benchmarks 2, 3, 4, 7) (CDI Framework – Managing Careers, Explore Possibilities, Growth Throughout Life)
  • Substantial and up to date CE/IAG section of our school's website with links to careers information, online resources and links to documents produced by the school to assist our students in their post 16 choices. (Benchmarks 1, 2) (CDI Framework – Explore Possibilities, Create Opportunities)
  • Subject-specific career presentations in Year's 7 to 11 delivered by employers/post 16 providers, particularly focusing on STEM subjects. (Benchmarks 2, 4, 5, 7) (CDI Framework – Explore Possibilities, Growth Throughout Life)
  • A programme of lunch-time advice & application drop-in sessions from a range of post-16 representatives to include FE, HE, Sixth Form colleges, local employers, and technical & apprenticeship providers. (Benchmarks 2, 3, 7, 8) (CDI Framework – Explore Possibilities, Managing Careers)


  • IAG evening attended by 30+ local HE, FE, training providers, Apprenticeship ambassadors, UTC's, local employers, armed service representatives and careers advisors for all Year 10 and 11 students and parents/carers. (Benchmarks 2, 3, 5, 7, 8) (CDI Framework – Explore Possibilities)
  • All Year 10 and 11 parents receive a detailed and informative IAG booklet that details all of the activities and events we provide in post 16 preparation and includes valuable information regarding apprenticeships and traineeships. It also provides guidance on available financial support, CV's, interviews and provides website information relating to post 16 opportunities. (Benchmarks 2, 3, 8) (CDI Framework – Explore Possibilities, Growth Throughout Life, Managing Careers)
  • CV and personal statement sessions during form in Year 11 (Benchmark 1)
  • SEND Post 16 Coffee Morning – post 16/18 providers, parents and carers, Students and SEND staff – removing barriers to progression to FE/HE. (Benchmarks 2, 3, 5, 7, 8) (CDI Framework – Explore Possibilities, Growth Throughout Life)


  • A professional interview day for all our Year 11 students includes representatives from HE/FE establishments, the armed forces, training providers, local employers, and alumnae (Benchmarks 2, 5, 7) (CDI Framework – Explore Possibilities, Growth Throughout Life, Managing Careers)
  • EAL Post 16 Coffee Morning – post 16/18 providers, parents and carers, Students and SEND staff – removing barriers to progression to FE/HE. (Benchmarks 2, 3, 5, 7, 8) (CDI Framework – Explore Possibilities, Growth Throughout Life)
  • Extended transition sessions for identified Year 11 students, including personalised taster visits to local colleges and training providers and school sessions with representatives from post 16 providers (Benchmarks 3, 7, 8) (CDI Framework – Explore Possibilities, Create Opportunities)
  • Year 9 Options evening attended by our independent careers advisor (Benchmarks 3, 4, 8) (CDI Framework – Explore Possibilities, Create Opportunities)
  • Year 9 Careers Day at a local college allows students to sample several different courses and link with the career pathways they can lead onto and will enable them to experience a typical college day (Benchmarks 2, 4, 7) (CDI Framework – Explore Possibilities, Create Opportunities)


  • PSCHE Curriculum lessons – years 7, 8 & 9 – Careers exploration, challenging stereotypes and LMI (CDI Framework – Explore Possibilities, Growth Throughout Life, Managing Careers)
  • Year 10 PSCHE Drop Down Day – LMI and career exploration. (CDI Framework – Explore Possibilities, Growth Throughout Life, Managing Careers)
  • One week of Work Experience in Year 10 (Benchmarks 2, 5, 6)
  • All Year's Careers Week – Further information detailed below.

HT6 – Careers Week – All Years - Example activities

(Benchmarks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) CDI Framework – Explore Possibilities, Managing Careers, Seeing the Bigger Picture, Growth Throughout Life, managing Careers)






Employer Assembly 

Year 10

(Benchmarks 1, 2, 3 & 5)


Employability Skills in form time

(Benchmarks 1, 2, 3)

 Careers Focus in curriculum subjects

(Benchmarks 1, 3, 4)


Work Ex preparation, employability skills and LMI sessions with employers

Year 10 Students

(Benchmarks 2, 3, 5)

Women in STEM assembly 

Year 9 & 10

(Benchmarks 1, 2, 3 & 5)


Employability Skills in form time

(Benchmarks 1, 2, 3)


Careers Focus in curriculum subjects

(Benchmarks 1, 3, 4)


Year 10 Post 16 Taster Day  Students will spend the day visiting and sampling courses at a FE provider. These include, but are not limited to, FE colleges, sixth form colleges, apprenticeship providers and technical colleges.

(Benchmarks 3, 7)


Employer Assembly

Year 9

(Benchmarks 1, 2, 3 & 5)


LMI info in form time all years

(Benchmarks 1, 2, 3)


Careers Focus in curriculum subjects

(Benchmarks 1, 3, 4)


Industry Day

Years 7, 8 & 9

Students participating in practical sessions with local employers and FE providers, Q&A time and gathering LMI and pathways information. 

(Benchmarks 2, 4, 5, 7)


Employer Assembly

Year 8

(Benchmarks 1, 2, 3 & 5)


Pathways information in form time

All years

(Benchmarks 1, 2, 3)


Careers Focus in curriculum subjects

(Benchmarks 1, 3, 4)


Year 10 Post 16 Taster Day  Students will spend the day visiting and sampling courses at a FE provider. These include, but are not limited to, FE colleges, sixth form colleges, apprenticeship providers and technical colleges.

(Benchmarks 3, 7)





Your role as partners in CEIAG

Teachers and School Staff 

  • To provide learners with opportunities to discover and learn about careers and employability and engage with the wider business community and employers inside and outside the classroom
  • To link schemes of learning with the world of work and to discuss experiences, pathways, skills development and progression with students
  • Useful subject related websites.



  • To engage with all the CEIAG events and learning opportunities provided for you - ask questions, research and discover all you can about future possibilities
  • To engage fully with the work-related learning opportunities on offer through Year's 7 to 11



  • To be aware of the CEIAG events and to instigate meaningful discussions with your child in relation to future plans and pathway options
  • To support your child, make post 16 applications before deadlines
  • To use CEIAG resources and websites to help support your child at home
  • Useful websites for parents/carers



  •  In year 11 your destinations will be recorded. To allow school to track all leavers destinations for 3 years, in addition to the information that Connexions collects during this period, we will ask you to consent to being contacted each year by email, phone call or text to keep us up to date with your post 16 and post 18 destinations, courses and qualifications.
  • We may also invite you into school to support current students if you are willing to give small group presentations or 1:1 meetings to share your personal post 16 pathway stories.
  • We are always happy to hear from our alumni and you can email Mrs Halliwell with updates and news of your achievements as you continue your educational and employment journey at halliwelll@harpergreen.net.


Employers and the wider community 

If you could support the school by helping with a CEIAG event at the school, at your place of work or by offering work experience, we would love to hear from you. Please contact Ms Halliwell at  halliwelll@harpergreen.net.

We work closely with over 200 employers each year as part of our Year 10 Work Experience programme and have established links with the nearby Aldi Distribution Centre, Suez, Royal Bolton Hospital, Willmott-Dixon, MBDA and The Dept of Work & Pensions who come into school for careers fairs and events.

Destination Data, Measures and Tracking

As part of our commitment to the GATSBY career benchmarks, Statutory Guidance and the progression of our students, we work closely with the LA, the Connexions service and our FE and training provider partners to track student destinations for up to three years after their leaving date.

To do this, we obtain ‘live’ intended destination information from students in Year 11 via form tutors/Head of CEIAG/Connexions Advisor, which is recorded on GO 4 Schools. We maintain records of students guidance interviews to ensure our students choose an appropriate destination. Destinations will be different for every student and are determined by a range of factors, including; attainment or predicted attainment, aptitudes, subject choices, hobbies and interests, career aspirations, skills and talents and the labour market. This combination of factors means there will be several appropriate options for each student. Therefore, it is important that every student has access to good quality career guidance and can consider and assess the range of options available to them.

During Term 2 in Year 11, we ask students to complete the ‘Data consent form for Post 16 destinations Information gathering and sharing’. This information is also used to update our tracking document.

After leaving Harper Green School, we monitor and track students by using the effective data-sharing agreements with our post 16 FE partners and support from our LA and Connexions Careers Service. We gather enrolment information from colleges and training providers and obtain the annual activity survey report from Connexions and the LA. We work closely with Connexions to continue to provide guidance and support to those students that may need it.

We contact past students by telephone 12, 24 and 36 months after leaving school, using the contact details provided by the student as detailed above. We also receive destination information from colleges regarding students post 18 choices and use both of these information sources along with information gathered from sibling connections, social media, peer networks and past pupil/teacher ‘keeping in touch’ networks to develop our alumni of leavers and gather post 16 and post 18 destination information.

Equal Opportunities

We are committed to promoting equal opportunities and encourage our students to challenge stereotypes, support them in overcoming any barriers and equip them with the skills and knowledge to ensure they achieve their full potential.

Provider Access Requests and Procedures

All students in Year's 7 to 11 are entitled to find out about technical education and apprenticeship opportunities as part of our careers programme, which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point. Students are given multiple opportunities to hear from a range of local providers, including technical education and apprenticeship providers, about their post 16 offer through options events, assemblies, lunchtime workshops and taster events. Our Connexions Advisor provides full support and guidance on making applications for the full range of academic and technical courses.

A provider wishing to request access should contact L Halliwell, CEIAG Leader, on 01204 572941 ext 4348 or email to halliwellll@harpergreen.net.

The above CEIAG opportunities offer providers scope to come into school to speak to students and, on occasion, parents and carers. If your request can be accommodated by the school, for example, providing there is adequate time within the school day for it to be reasonably run alongside any planned or timetabled activities that are already running, we will offer all possible assistance in granting you appropriate access. Please speak to our Careers Leader to identify the most suitable opportunity for you. The school will make appropriate facilities available- rooms, AV, IT etc - dependent on the activity. This must be discussed and agreed upon in advance of the visit.

Providers are welcome to leave a copy of their prospectus or other relevant course literature, which will be made available for students in the Connexions area in the Year 11 common room. The common room is available to all Year 11 students before and after school and during break and lunch.

Evaluation, monitoring and reviewing

Our programme is reviewed and evaluated throughout the year to ensure that we reflect any DfE Statutory changes and ensure that we continue to deliver a broad and balanced careers programme.

We use Compass+ to monitor and review our programme and to track our progress towards meeting the Gatsby Benchmarks.

Evaluations from students, staff, providers and parents enable us to measure and assess the impact of the CEIAG provision. We also use destination measures data to assess how successfully students transition to post 16 education or employment. This ongoing review and evaluation contribute to any changes we may make to the careers programme to ensure the needs of our students are met.

Adopted: November 2019

Reviewed: January 2021

Author: Mrs L Halliwell – CEIAG Leader



CV, Personal Statement and Post 16 Applications

CV Guidance

CV Example

CV Template

Personal Statement Guidance

Personal Statement Example

Personal Statement Template

The application process

  • Research colleges, training providers and courses
  • Visit the college Open Evenings
  • Attend the Careers Evenings in Years 10 and 11
  • Apply for the courses and colleges you decide that best suit your needs. Remember to apply for at least two, preferably more
  • If you apply via the central online system, you can apply for several courses and colleges in one go. There is no need to make multiple applications.

All colleges differ, but generally, the process is similar once your application has been received. The information below tells you what happens at each step and what the college will expect from you. You can use the list below to jump to each section:

  • Step 1 – Complete an application form
  • Step 2 – Attend an interview
  • Step 3 – Assessment
  • Step 4 – Offer of a conditional place
  • Step 5 – Enrolment
  • Step 6 – Start of the new term


Work Experience 2024 

WEX Policy

Work Experience 2024 - Student/Parent Pack

Our Year 10 work experience programme was launched to students and parents/carers at the end of September.

Our Year 10 work experience programme was launched to students and parents/carers at the end of September.
Work Experience for Year 10’s will take place the week commencing 15th July 2024.

All Year 10 students have now received a Work Experience Pack including:

  • A letter to parents
  • An information booklet for parents and students
  • A work experience placement form

Our Work Experience launch assembly took place on Wednesday 27th September 2023. Year 10 students were briefed on the work experience programme and encouraged to attend the Year 10 and 11 Careers Evening on Thursday 28th September 2023 to discuss the finding of placements with Tailored Education, our WEX partner.
If students need any additional support at any point throughout the work experience process, they can contact Mrs Halliwell in the Careers Hub, lower TS block.

Copies of all documentation relating to Work Experience can be viewed by clicking on the links above.