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Support for Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH)

Useful resources

As a school, we believe no one should have to face mental health difficulties on their own, and support is widely available beyond school.

Here you can find a list of organisations providing expert advice, a listening ear and resources for managing distress.

 Can’t find the organisation for you? Don’t worry! Visit the NHS website for an extended list.

Company/Charity Description
Be Kind to My Mind

Bekindtomymind is a Bolton campaign to help reduce the stigma around mental health. Our local message to children and young people who are struggling with their mental health is that "it's ok to talk!"


Childnet International

Activities around E safety for working with young people on the autistic spectrum


Anti-Bullying Alliance

Anti-Bullying alliance document on cyberbullying and young people with SEN


Doc Ready

Prepares young people for first visit to GP about MH



Information for professionals and young people about self-harm


Head Meds

Info for young people on medication, mental health and life!


Life Signs

Info and support around self-harm



Info and support around eating problems


Black Dog Tribe

Info and support around depression


OCD Action

Info and support around OCD


Young Minds

Information on mental health and wellbeing for young people, parents and professionals



Online counselling and support



Mood tracking tool. Basic version is free, but you can pay to get more in-depth features


Anxiety UK

Info on anxiety. Live chat and email support, but have to pay membership fee



Info on OCD and support forums



Lots of info on mental health, as well as telephone, email and text support, and an online forum (have to be 18+ to use forum)


Student Minds

UK student mental health charity. Campaigns and peer support groups in universities across the country



Information and support for children and young people who are affected by a parent’s drinking



Listening service for students, provided by trained student volunteers


Students Against Depression

Information, advice and real life stories, specifically for students struggling with depression


Get Connected

Support and signposting service for young people under 25. Telephone, email, text and webchat support


Youth Access

Directory of free and confidential counselling, advice or information services



Private and confidential telephone, email and online chat support for children and young people up to the age of 19.

Plus, information on a range of issues

Useful apps

App Type Logo AppStore Android Description
Mood Tracker MoodPanda MoodPanda

Half moodtracker, half social network. Allows you to choose whether you keep mood private, or share it publicly for support from other MoodPanda users. Also allows you to see how your score compares with the average mood of all other users at that moment.

Mood Tracker MoodBug  

Created by MindApples, allows you to track your mood and share with friends or the public if you want to. Can give ‘gifts’ to others to say well done, or to cheer them up.

Mood Tracker Moodometer   Fairly basic moodtracker from the NHS
Meditation Headspace  

Mini 10 minute meditations to help clear your mind. Once you’ve completed the initial free course you can pay to access more meditations

Meditation Stop, Breathe and Think Stop, Breathe and Think

Guide to meditation. Recommends certain meditations based on how you’re feeling

Anxiety MindShift MindShift

Specifically for young people to help manage anxiety. Lots of tools, techniques and advice


SAM (Self-help for Anxiety Management)

SAM (Self-help for Anxiety Management)

Help with anxiety management. Interactive games and tools


Stress Tips (Anxiety UK)

Stress Tips (Anxiety UK)

Anxiety tracker

Tests to see which form of anxiety you have, audio tips from people with lived experience, information to read


Sleep Cycle

Sleep Cycle

Uses the phone’s accelerometer to wake you up within a half hour window when you are at the lightest level of sleep- waking up from lighter sleep should help you feel more refreshed and feel better more generally

General Big White Wall   App version of the website
General Get Connected  

App version of website, also includes competitions and games

General Personal Zen   Game that has been clinically proven to reduce stress. More info here: http://www.psychologicalscience.org/index.php/news/releases/reducing-anxiety-with-a-smartphone-app.html
General InHand InHand App to help young people through the ups and downs of life. Suggests activities to help based on how you rank your mood
General HealthyMinds HealthyMinds Problem-solving tool aimed at students
General Recovery Record Recovery Record Self-help tool for eating disorders