STUDENT Attendance 2024/25
Academic success and good attendance come hand in hand, which is why it is one of our main priorities. We appreciate the support of all our parents who encourage their children to attend school regularly and offer rewards to students with good and improving behaviour. For a child to reach their full educational achievement, a high level of attendance is essential and is subject to education law.
The link between attendance and attainment is firmly established, and those who attend school more frequently ultimately achieve greater qualifications and can access higher education, employment or training.
Please click the following link to access Class Charts to see an overview of your child's current attendance:
Meet the Attendance Team
Please meet our Attendance Team. Our Attendance Team is here to support you and your child throughout their school journey. Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact school on 01204 572941
Support in School
Free Breakfast Initiative
We are proud to welcome our student body into school each morning. Each morning all students are welcome to visit Red Café for free toast served by a mystery staff guest. Who will tomorrow's mystery guest be?
Support in Bolton
Should there be a valid reason for absence, please ensure you phone the Student Welfare Officer on 01204 572941. We will need the following details:
- Your name
- Your child’s name and year group
- A reason for the absence
If no reason is given for the absence, or the reason isn’t valid, the absence will be marked as unauthorised.
Please note: Where there are unauthorised absences, parents may face legal action from the Local Authority, in line with Bolton LA Penalty Notice Procedure.
Information for parents
What is our duty as parents/carers?
By law, you are legally responsible for;
- Ensuring your children receive full time education
- Their regular attendance at school
As a parent, you are committing an offence if you fail to make sure that your child attends school regularly, even if they are missing without your knowledge. You risk being issued with a penalty notice or being taken to Court.
The Local Authority may decide to prosecute a parent. If this happens:
Parents can be fined up to £2,500 or imprisoned for failing to ensure that their child attends school regularly. Magistrates can also impose a Parenting Order, which means that the parent has to participate in a counselling and guidance programme, usually a parenting class.
The Local Authority may issue a penalty notice. This is £60 if paid within 21 days or £120 if paid within 28 days. Failure to pay will typically lead to prosecution.
What can we do if our child is absent?
If your child is absent from school, as early as you can on the first day of absence, you must:
- Phone the school, or
- Send a note to school, or
- Call at the school
When your child returns to school, always send a signed note which should:
- Be dated and
- Give the reason for absence.
The reasons your child should NOT be kept away from school include:
- To look after brothers or sisters
- To mind the house
- To visit relatives
- For long weekends
- For shopping trips
- For birthdays
Where possible all appointments at the dentist, doctors etc should be made outside of school time.
How can we work together with Harper Green School to make a difference for our child?
Help your school ensure that:
- Rules are observed
- Discipline is maintained
- Other pupils and school staff are respected
- All tasks and homework are completed
- Your school's buildings and facilities are cared for
Your schools will inform you of:
- The daily starting and finishing time
- Term and holiday dates
- Other days when the school will be closing
Your school will inform you if:
- Your child is not attending
- Your child is frequently late
- Homework is not being completed
What is the student attendance target?
Harper Green School's student attendance target is 96%.
One school year at 90% attendance is the equivalent to four whole weeks of lessons missed!
90% attendance over five years of school is the equivalent to half a school year missed!
How can Harper Green School help?
Your children are very important to us all at Harper Green School and they deserve the best possible education. But sometimes, things can go wrong.
We can offer help by providing advice on any related problems your child may be experiencing.
How to contact us
- Senior Pastoral Officer - 07733263375
- Attendance Officer - 01204 576207
- Reception - 01204 572941/574991/573540
Term Time Holidays
Taking a holiday during term means that students miss important school time both educationally and for other extracurricular activities. It is also difficult for them to catch up on work on their return.
Parents can be fined for taking their child on holiday during term time without consent from the school. By law, you are legally responsible for ensuring your children receive full time education, and the government legislation states that school's are no longer able to authorise any term time holidays as outlined below.
Find out more about term time holidays