Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing
Promoting Positive Mental Health
At Harper Green School, we aim to promote positive emotional health and wellbeing for our whole school community. We recognise the importance of nurturing healthy minds. The mental health of a student is a crucial factor in their overall wellbeing and can affect their learning, social and emotional achievement.
Our role as a school is to:
- To develop an ethos and environment that supports learning and promotes the health and wellbeing of all
- To promote resilience in students
- To ensure students feel safe and supported
- To develop a sense of belonging, encouraging participation of all within the school community
- To build pupil relationships and trust - encouraging students to talk openly with adults about their problem
- To offer mental health support during periods of isolation
Mental Health Student Pathway
As a school, we offer different levels of mental health support.
- Wave 1 - Universal Support: To meet the needs of all our students through our overall ethos and our wider curriculum. For instance, developing emotional resilience for all.
- Wave 2 - Short term additional support: For those who may have short-term needs and those who may have been made vulnerable by life experiences such as bereavement.
- Wave 3 - Long term targeted support: For students who need more individualised support and resources or specific targeted interventions to support their mental health.
Getting help
As a school, we believe no one should have to face mental health difficulties on their own, and support is widely available beyond school.
Here you can find a list of organisations providing expert advice, a listening ear and resources for managing distress.
Can’t find the organisation for you? Don’t worry! Visit the NHS website for an extended list.
Mental Health Resources
- Your Mental Health
- Kooth Online Counselling Service
- Qwell Online Counselling Services for Adults
- Zumos - Building Pupil's Resilience
- WHYSUP Mental Health Videos
- Parental Mental Health Corner
- Exam Anxiety
Mental Health Self Help
The purpose of the Mental Health and Wellbeing individual topics, are resources which are designed to develop your understanding of wellbeing and the ability to recognise and know to how stay both mentally and emotionally safe.
- Moving Up! Transition to Secondary School
- Mental Health Self-Care
- Confidence & Self Esteem
- Building Resilience
- Celebrating Differences
- Friendships
- Online Stress & FOMO
- Depression: Mental Health
- Anxiety
- Handling Exam Stress
- Developing a Growth Mindset
Parents Resources
- Spotting the Signs of Mental Health issues and what to do
- Supporting your child with anxiety and depression
- Parents Guide A - Z in Supporting your Child with MH and Wellbeing
- Parents Guide to technology
- NHS Support for Parents
If you have any concerns, please contact the Pastoral Year Team who will be able to assist.